Honey CSA Info

Honey CSA (Community Supported Apiculture)  share

A Honey CSA share will entitle  share subscribers to an equal share of all the honey harvested from the four specific hives located in Belmont. Massachusetts that are being placed in the Honey CSA program.

There will be a total of 40 small shares this year. On average one share entitles you to 10 percent of the honey that a hive produces in 2010 or more specifically 1/40 of the honey produces from all four of the hives as the honey from all four hives will be divided equally among share holders

Cost is $25  per share for 2010.

Pickup Dates
For 2010,  Sept 17th and 18th (Thursday and Friday) are the pickup dates. Pickup is in Belmont. You will be notified of pickup hours and exact location.


Because the CSA has only one product, honey, and is not diversified there is far greater risk of poor or no harvest than CSAs that contain many different products.

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